Releasing payments
The P2i Contract Manager or P2i Regional Manager, is responsible for reviewing the payment recommendation made by the P2i Contract Officer. Based on the recommendation of full payment, the P2i Contract Manager can release the payment, reject the recommendation made by the P2i Contract Officer, or escalate to a P2i Director for further consideration. If the P2i Director has approved the payment recommendation, it is returned to the P2i Contract Manager with the status: Escalation : Approved and the payment can be released or sent to the payment allocation tool for adjustment.
Warning Partial payments cannot be "made up" at a later date. If a partial payment has been recommended, the funded organisation can only ever receive the reduced amount once it has been adjusted by the P2i Payment Allocation Officer and released by the P2i Contract Manager. Once the partial payment has been released it can only be handled through Manage Payments by reversing or reissuing. The full amount cannot be reissued.
The P2i Contract Officer can Split Payments allowing the Service Outlet to be performance managed and the payments to be controlled over a period of time. Refer to the topic, Splitting Payments.
When the P2i Contract Officer makes a payment recommendation an email notification is sent to the P2i Contract Manager.
Releasing payments
Tip You can also click the link in the notification email to access the contract.
From the Contract Management Portal
This is known as Acquittals Dashboard by Suppliers (Funded Organisations). It is also known as the Downstream Dashboard by department staff., click
Contract Management Hub app.
Click the Filter button to search for the contract.
Note The P2i Contract Manager can view all contracts, not just the ones they have been assigned to.
Enter the Supplier Organisation Name, Contract Number, Service Outlet Name, Service Outlet Number or Contract Officer and click the Search icon.
Click the Contract Number to access the contract.
Click Trigger Payments.
Click the Payment Id.
Note Payments that have been recommended by the P2i Contract Officer have the status, Recommended. Payments that have been approved by the P2i Director following escalation have the status, Escalation : Approved. Payments that have been adjusted by the P2i Payment Allocation Officer following a partial payment recommendation have the status, Determined : Payment adjusted.
Click Release Payment.
Note Review any notes or attachments added to support the recommendation.
Add any Comments.
Click Release Payment.
Click Go to Trigger Payments.
Note The Workflow Status of the Payment Id has changed to Determined : Released.