Make a Project Invalid

In the event an approval request is denied and the approver has determined the RFI, RFQ or Contract, Contract Variation or Contract Renewal shall not proceed, a project can be made invalid.

To make a project invalid:

  1. Open the project and review the comments made by the approver.

  2. Click Back to List to return to the workflow.

  3. Click Start Task to start the Renewal Rejected task.

    Tip Each workflow has a similar task at the end. Select the one that is available on the workflow you are currently on.

  4. Click Confirm when prompted

  5. Click Manage Attachments to add supporting documentation for the closure of the project.

  6. Click Complete Task

  7. Click Confirm when prompted.

  8. Click the ... button and select Invalidate.

  9. Enter an Invalidation Reason and tick to Inform the Project Team.

  10. Click Invalidate.

  11. The project will now have the status Invalidated.