Preparing the Response Envelopes

Once the RFQ has been prepared, you can go through the steps of preparing the Response Envelopes that the prospective Suppliers will use to respond to your published RFQ.

The available envelopes are:

Qualification Envelope

The purpose of the qualification envelope is to gather information in order to qualify suppliers. In P2i, many of the qualification questions are answered by the supplier when they register. Since it is not necessary to rank suppliers on the basis of their responses, scoring is not available.

Technical Envelope

The purpose of the technical envelope is to gather details about the ability of the supplier to deliver the services that meet the evaluation criteria. This information is used to rank suppliers, so scoring is available.

Commercial Envelope

The purpose of the commercial envelope is to gather pricing information from suppliers.

Section and Questions

Envelopes are made up of sections and questions. Sections can be used to group the same type of questions together. For example, one section can be used to gather information about a supplier's social responsibility and include questions related to policies around domestic violence. Another section can used to gather information about difference insurances that a supplier might be required to hold.

In the technical envelope, sections can created to capture responses for each desirable requirement. This can be set up so that there is one section and each question is used to answer one criterion, or you can have a section for each criterion and the questions make up the sub-criteria.

There are three type of sections that can be added to an envelope:

Question Section - used to include questions that require Yes/No, Option, Text, Numeric, Date and Attachment responses from suppliers.

Buyer Section - used to include questions that require Yes/No, Option, Text, Numeric, Date and Attachment responses from the Department.

Profile Question Section - used to include responses captured as part of the supplier profile. New profile questions can be added by the Department's super user.

Watch the video on how to create RFQ envelopes with weighted scoring.

Note For instructions on how to prepare each envelope, refer to the guides: Preparing the Qualification Envelope, Preparing the Technical Envelope, Preparing the Commercial Envelope.